The Zywave Group Quoting API allows users to access our extensive Plan and Rate dataset by running group quotes. The first step in the process is authentication (See Setting up a service account)
Once authenticated, the general steps involved include:
The only account (group) related detail needed to start your quote is an Account Name. (All other account related details required to quote are collected in Step 2) You will either Post to create a new account or Get to use one previously created. (Post Account specs)
All quoting endpoint details can be found on the Group benefit quoting specifications page.
Each quote needs a few details to return eligible plans and accurate rates.
At the broker and account level we need:
The following employee and dependent census details are also needed:
At the broker and account level we need:
The following employee and dependent census details are also needed:
Quoted plan and premium information will now be available for each plan and coverage group included in your quote. You can choose to get full details on all plans returned in your quote, or you could set up your next calls to be based on criteria like top 50 plans with lowest total premium.
To get bulk quote results (paged at 500 records per call), use the QuoteID from Step 3 and call the plan, member rate and plan rate endpoints. This will provide all plan, benefit item, and rate details for all plans in your quote.
If you prefer to retrieve details on just some plans, use a combination of QuoteID and PlanID from Step 3, and retrieve details for specified plans returned in your quote.